Washington DC Overtime Pay Lawyer

If you’ve worked overtime hours and your employer is refusing to pay you the wages you deserve, contact an overtime pay attorney in Washington DC to file an official complaint and go after the compensation you deserve.

Both federal and state governments financially protect employees by putting overtime laws in place. Typically, when a non-exempt employee works in excess of forty hours in one work week, their employer is required to pay them one-and-one-half times their hourly rate. While overtime policies vary by state and occasionally come with exceptions, it’s important that employers know the law.

If you live in the DC area and you believe your employer is denying you overtime wages that you rightfully earned, you can file an official complaint through the Wage and Hour Division of the United States Department of Labor or through DC’s Department of Employment Services. A Washington DC overtime pay lawyer from Snider & Associates, LLC can support you through the claims process.  

Overtime Laws Specific to Washington DC

Out of approximately 120 million Americans nationwide, there are about 50 million who are exempt from overtime laws, depending on the state and city in which they live. Employees working in executive, administrative, and other professional positions who make over $455 a week are not required to be paid overtime, according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).   

In the District of Columbia specifically, commissioned workers, independent contractors, transportation workers, live-in employees, those in newspaper delivery, automobile dealership employees, railroad employees, seamen, and airline employees are some of the other employees who are exempt from overtime pay eligibility.

How to File a Claim for Unpaid Wages in Washington DC

Your overtime pay attorney in DC can assist you through the claims process if you’re trying to obtain unpaid wages from your employer. Depending on the circumstances, you may choose to file your claim through the city or through the federal government. Regardless of where you file your claim, the process will be similar.

If you file through the Department of Employment Services in DC, you can file your claim online. If you choose to file your claim federally through the Wage and Hour Division, you can file at your nearest Wage and Hour Division office. The appropriate agency will perform an investigation into your case and determine whether you’re owed back pay or liquidated damages.

You also have the right to file a civil or criminal lawsuit against your employer for the unpaid wages you’re owed. Your Washington DC lawyer will help you determine the best course of action for your unique situation.

Get in Touch with an Overtime Pay Attorney in Washington DC

Every employee deserves to be paid the correct wages they’re owed under the law. If your employer is breaking the law and denying you the money you worked hard to earn, filing a claim to hold them legally liable can result in your being properly compensated and their being properly reprimanded.

At Snider & Associates, LLC, our attorneys have in-depth knowledge of overtime policies, and we’ll do our best to seek justice on your behalf. If you’re ready to discuss your case with a Washington DC overtime pay lawyer, call 410-653-9060 or fill out the contact form below to schedule a consultation.